Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 94705Details of grave number 94705 at All Saints Lindfield for Leslie W Apling

Leslie W Apling grave monument in All Saints burial ground, Lindfield, Sussex, England

Leslie W Apling grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Leslie W Apling
Jesse Baker
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Charles Baldock
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
William N Baldock
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Percy C Bleuden
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Walter J Blunden
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
William H Boorne
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Edwin C Burlong
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Albert H Carmack
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Jack Caplin
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Edward B Fawcett
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Alexander L Fitzmaurice
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Lindsay Fitzmaurice
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Richard Fitzmaurice
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Charles E Ford
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Herbert W Fox
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Frank Gaston
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Harry Gaston
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Reuben H Grendy
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
John Gorringe
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Frederick Hillman
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Malcolm Hill
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Reginald G Hill
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
George H Hobden
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
John H Jeffrey
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Harry A King
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Cuthbert Laker
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Joseph Ledburg
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Reginald C Legge
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Ernest Leppard
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Leslie G Longley
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Richard F Longley
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
William Mansbridge
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Harry Markwick
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Alfred E V Newnham
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
John F Newnham
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Noel H Newnham
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Albert Nye
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Frederick C Oram
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Harold G Paine
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Thomas Pranklin
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Geoffrey A Prideaux
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Arthur Pullen
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Arthur Rice
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Frank E Savill
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Harry C Scott
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Sidney F Smith
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Alfred E Speer
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Harold A Spiers
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Arthur Spiringham
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Jervoise Graham-Taylor
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Ernest R Townsend
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Guy K Twiss
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
William Venn
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Reginald R Waller
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Thomas Weatherby
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Joseph Whall
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
George A Willey
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Lother S J Wilmshurst
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Wilfred Winn
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Arthur Young
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Ernest Wood
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Leslie W Apling grave location

(20 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 94705)

The following thumbnail images are the 20 taken before and 20 after the one for Leslie W Apling was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Leslie W Apling below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Leslie W Apling grave.

image: 655
grave: 94701
William Trangmar Blaker
image number 655
image: 662
grave: 94702
Thomas Gibbs Crawfurd
image number 662
image: 663
grave: 94703
Dorothy Newton
image number 663
image: 661
grave: 94704
Geoffrey Arthur Prideaux
image number 661
image: 664
grave: 94705
Leslie W Apling
image number 664

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Leslie W Apling grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.