Leslie W Apling grave monument details at All Saints Church burial ground, Lindfield, Sussex,England

Leslie W Apling grave monument in All Saints Church burial ground, Lindfield, Sussex, England

Leslie W Apling grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Leslie W Apling
first name on monument
Jesse Baker
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Charles Baldock
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
William N Baldock
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Percy C Bleuden
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Walter J Blunden
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
William H Boorne
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Edwin C Burlong
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Albert H Carmack
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Jack Caplin
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Edward B Fawcett
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Alexander L Fitzmaurice
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Lindsay Fitzmaurice
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Richard Fitzmaurice
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Charles E Ford
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Herbert W Fox
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Frank Gaston
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Harry Gaston
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Reuben H Grendy
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
John Gorringe
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Frederick Hillman
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Malcolm Hill
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Reginald G Hill
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
George H Hobden
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
John H Jeffrey
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Harry A King
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Cuthbert Laker
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Joseph Ledburg
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Reginald C Legge
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Ernest Leppard
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Leslie G Longley
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Richard F Longley
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
William Mansbridge
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Harry Markwick
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Alfred E V Newnham
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
John F Newnham
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Noel H Newnham
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Albert Nye
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Frederick C Oram
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Harold G Paine
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Thomas Pranklin
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Geoffrey A Prideaux
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Arthur Pullen
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Arthur Rice
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Frank E Savill
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Harry C Scott
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Sidney F Smith
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Alfred E Speer
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Harold A Spiers
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Arthur Spiringham
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Jervoise Graham-Taylor
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Ernest R Townsend
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Guy K Twiss
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
William Venn
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Reginald R Waller
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Thomas Weatherby
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Joseph Whall
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
George A Willey
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Lother S J Wilmshurst
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Wilfred Winn
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Arthur Young
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling
Ernest Wood
relationship not given of Leslie W Apling

For more information on one of the individual named above, please click on their name.

Please note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are probably not on the monument.

The calculated dates of birth should be treated with caution as in many cases it can be one year out.

The calculated dates of birth should also be treated with caution as the ages given on monuments are often inaccurate.

The names above are all the names that are listed on the grave monument. It is most likely that only the entries with dates and ages are interred in the grave.

Google internet search for Leslie W Apling

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There is one image (664) for this grave monument

image of grave number 94705

If you want high quality larger version of this image
then press the "Request a free image of this monument" button below.

These grave details have been viewed 44 times since 8 Jan 2014 when these statistics were first collected.

This graves photo has been requested once since 8 Jan 2014 when these statistics were first collected.

Reasons why the image for this memorial was requested

trying to find out about my family past the family was baker from lindfield where i grew up
(requested on 25 11 2011)
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; I would appreciate it very much if you would, please, send me a higher quality image of TWISS, Guy K. The image # is: 664, the GPR grave # is: 97045, Cemetery: All Saints\'s Church, Lindfield, Sussex, England. I would, also, like to know who the name on the front of the Monument was, please, as I have never before come across this gentleman--Leslie W. APLING. Also, I would appreciate it, if you were able to send me a copy of the Visitor's names and comments on this TWISS gentleman. Thank you so very much. Shannah TWISS
(requested on 18 06 2012)
Jesse Baker was my Grandmothers father.
(requested on 06 09 2015)
The reason why I am requesting this photo is because I am researching all over the world for my TWISSes.
(requested on 08 12 2015)
Family history
(requested on 13 01 2023)
google ad

Location of the above Leslie W Apling monument

All Saints Church burial ground, Lindfield, Sussex, England

All Saints Church burial ground, Lindfield
All Saints Church burial ground

How to find this grave within a cemetery

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