Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 598989Details of grave number 598989 at Parish Ballintoy for Mary Gault

Mary Gault grave monument in Parish burial ground, Ballintoy, Antrim, Northern Ireland

Mary Gault grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Mary Gault
2010 daughter-in-law of Mary Gault
Archibald Gault
1967891878husband of Mary Gault
Archie Gault
2010881922son of Mary Gault

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Mary Gault grave location

(20 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 598989)

The following thumbnail images are the 20 taken before and 20 after the one for Mary Gault was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Mary Gault below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Mary Gault grave.

image: DSC_7829
grave: 598969
Sarah Mckay
image number DSC_7829
image: DSC_7831
grave: 598970
James Mckay
image number DSC_7831
image: DSC_7831
grave: 598971
Ann Christy
image number DSC_7831
image: DSC_7832
grave: 598972
John Mcguigan
image number DSC_7832
image: DSC_7835
grave: 598973
James Colgan
image number DSC_7835
image: DSC_7836
grave: 598974
Margaret Jane Bell
image number DSC_7836
image: DSC_7837
grave: 598975
Jane Brown
image number DSC_7837
image: DSC_7838
grave: 598976
John Rogers
image number DSC_7838
image: DSC_7839
grave: 598977
Dan Gault
image number DSC_7839
image: DSC_7840
grave: 598978
Neal Mccurdy
image number DSC_7840
image: DSC_7841
grave: 598979
Archy Mccurdy
image number DSC_7841
image: DSC_7841
grave: 598980
Mary Phoebe Mccurdy
image number DSC_7841
image: DSC_7842
grave: 598981
Nancy Mccurdy
image number DSC_7842
image: DSC_7843
grave: 598982
James Francis Christie
image number DSC_7843
image: DSC_7844
grave: 598983
Charles Christie
image number DSC_7844
image: DSC_7845
grave: 598984
Daniel Christie
image number DSC_7845
image: DSC_7846
grave: 598985
John Mccaughan
image number DSC_7846
image: DSC_7847
grave: 598986
Patrick Mccurdy
image number DSC_7847
image: DSC_7849
grave: 598987
Letitia Mccaughan
image number DSC_7849
image: DSC_7849
grave: 598988
William Mccaughan
image number DSC_7849
image: DSC_7851
grave: 598989
Mary Gault
image number DSC_7851
image: DSC_7851
grave: 598990
Mary Loftus
image number DSC_7851
image: DSC_7852
grave: 598991
Roger Martin
image number DSC_7852
image: DSC_7853
grave: 598992
Jane Mckay
image number DSC_7853
image: DSC_7857
grave: 598993
Anne Stewart Moore
image number DSC_7857
image: DSC_7857b
grave: 598994
James Stewart Moore
image number DSC_7857b
image: DSC_7857c
grave: 598995
James Stewart Moore
image number DSC_7857c
image: DSC_7858
grave: 598996
William Stewart
image number DSC_7858
image: DSC_7859
grave: 598997
Isabella Mckinnon
image number DSC_7859
image: DSC_7862
grave: 598998
Mary Jane Mckendry
image number DSC_7862
image: DSC_7863
grave: 598999
Patrick Watson
image number DSC_7863
image: DSC_7864
grave: 599000
Herbert Mccurdy
image number DSC_7864
image: DSC_7865
grave: 599001
Maria Theresa Carter
image number DSC_7865
image: DSC_7867
grave: 599002
Neal Kirkpatrick
image number DSC_7867
image: DSC_7868
grave: 599003
W Griffin
image number DSC_7868
image: DSC_7869
grave: 599004
Frederick Clifford Sarell
image number DSC_7869
image: DSC_7870
grave: 599005
F E Green
image number DSC_7870
image: DSC_7871
grave: 599006
William Campbell
image number DSC_7871
image: DSC_7872
grave: 599007
John Murphey
image number DSC_7872
image: DSC_7873
grave: 599008
William ___edy
image number DSC_7873
image: DSC_7874
grave: 599009
James Murphy
image number DSC_7874

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Mary Gault grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.