Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 496790Details of grave number 496790 at Southgate Hornsea for Annie Tyndale

Annie Tyndale grave monument in Southgate cemetery, Hornsea, Yorkshire, England

Annie Tyndale grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Annie Tyndale
Revd John Tyndale
husband of Annie Tyndale

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Annie Tyndale grave location

(20 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 496790)

The following thumbnail images are the 20 taken before and 20 after the one for Annie Tyndale was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Annie Tyndale below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Annie Tyndale grave.

image: Southgate1
grave: 496776
Thomas North
image number Southgate1
image: Southgate2
grave: 496777
Mary Ellen Strickland
image number Southgate2
image: Southgate3
grave: 496778
Arthur Storey
image number Southgate3
image: Southgate4
grave: 496779
Hilda J Peers
image number Southgate4
image: Southgate5
grave: 496780
George Norman
image number Southgate5
image: Southgate6
grave: 496781
Paul Anthony Facey
image number Southgate6
image: Southgate7
grave: 496782
Dorothy May Burton
image number Southgate7
image: Southgate8
grave: 496783
Honnor Ashman
image number Southgate8
image: Southgate9
grave: 496784
Heinr Gude
image number Southgate9
image: Southgate10
grave: 496785
W J Rodgers
image number Southgate10
image: Southgate12
grave: 496786
Fred Maltby Webster
image number Southgate12
image: Southgate13
grave: 496787
Dennis Barnes
image number Southgate13
image: Southgate14
grave: 496788
John Wm Norman
image number Southgate14
image: Southgate15
grave: 496789
Bessie Adams
image number Southgate15
image: Southgate16
grave: 496790
Annie Tyndale
image number Southgate16
image: Southgate17
grave: 496791
Sarah Anne Wallis
image number Southgate17
image: Southgate18
grave: 496792
Elizabeth Tanton
image number Southgate18
image: Southgate19
grave: 496793
Mary Heron
image number Southgate19
image: Southgate20
grave: 496794
John Pickles Denton
image number Southgate20
image: Southgate21
grave: 496795
Henry Wise
image number Southgate21
image: Southgate22
grave: 496796
John Usher
image number Southgate22
image: Southgate23
grave: 496797
William Dabb
image number Southgate23
image: Southgate24
grave: 496798
Mary Ann Johnson
image number Southgate24
image: Southgate25
grave: 496799
Mary Ann Coulson
image number Southgate25
image: Southgate26
grave: 496800
Harry Wills
image number Southgate26
image: Southgate27
grave: 496801
Dennis Stephenson
image number Southgate27
image: Southgate28
grave: 496802
Michael Stephenson
image number Southgate28
image: Southgate29
grave: 496803
Emily Hildyard
image number Southgate29
image: Southgate30
grave: 496804
Henry Collett Ward
image number Southgate30

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Annie Tyndale grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.