The GPR website has been transferred to a new server.
This transfer was problematic and caused the website to be unavailabe for over a week.
Details of the new server are as follows:
The new server is on a three year contract with Fasthost.
Extensive sitemaps of the GPR have now been produced.
These sitemaps hold details of 2.5 million web pages out of a total of the 15+ million page for the entire site.
The provision of the sitemap should enable search engines such as Google to better index the GPR.
The grave details pages have been changed to give more details if the higher quality image(s) for that particular monument has been requested. The system now displays details of when requests were made.
It is also possible to send a message to the person who made the request. However, please note that you will not be given contact details and will only recieve a reply if the requestee wishes to do so.
The GPR search system has been modified so that it is easier to select the different types of search available.
Each person name within the GPR now has its own webpage.
These pages have been designed so that all the information about a particulat person can be viewed. Previously some information would not be displayed if the viewer was using a small display screen.
The GPR website has been modified over the last year to be more responsive to the size of a visitors display screen. These modifications have continued so as to provide the best viewing option for all visitors to the website.
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