Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 738074Details of grave number 738074 at Wellington Road (part 1) Taunton for Richard Dyte

Richard Dyte grave monument in Wellington Road (part 1) cemetery, Taunton, Somerset, England

Richard Dyte grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Richard Dyte
Matilda Ellen Dyte
21/03/1951741877wife of Richard Dyte

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Richard Dyte grave location

(10 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 738074)

The following thumbnail images are the 10 taken before and 10 after the one for Richard Dyte was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Richard Dyte below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Richard Dyte grave.

image: TNWELLRD 1076
grave: 738064
George Wastell Thorpe
image number TNWELLRD 1076
image: TNWELLRD 1077
grave: 738065
William Bulley
image number TNWELLRD 1077
image: TNWELLRD 1078
grave: 738066
Emily Amelia Clarke
image number TNWELLRD 1078
image: TNWELLRD 1079
grave: 738067
Norman Reginald Clarke
image number TNWELLRD 1079
image: TNWELLRD 1080
grave: 738068
Frank Stowell
image number TNWELLRD 1080
image: TNWELLRD 1081
grave: 738069
Charles Edward Strickland
image number TNWELLRD 1081
image: TNWELLRD 1082
grave: 738070
Mary Elizabeth Collins
image number TNWELLRD 1082
image: TNWELLRD 1083
grave: 738071
William George Sparks
image number TNWELLRD 1083
image: TNWELLRD 1084
grave: 738072
Willie Taylor
image number TNWELLRD 1084
image: TNWELLRD 1086
grave: 738073
Lydia Jane Taylor
image number TNWELLRD 1086
image: TNWELLRD 1088
grave: 738074
Richard Dyte
image number TNWELLRD 1088
image: TNWELLRD 1089
grave: 738075
Joseph Percy John Cullum
image number TNWELLRD 1089
image: TNWELLRD 1090
grave: 738076
William Long Cullum
image number TNWELLRD 1090
image: TNWELLRD 1091
grave: 738077
Martha Jane Cullum
image number TNWELLRD 1091
image: TNWELLRD 1093
grave: 738078
Hilda May Farthing
image number TNWELLRD 1093
image: TNWELLRD 1094
grave: 738079
Arthur Ernest Frederick Inglis
image number TNWELLRD 1094
image: TNWELLRD 1095
grave: 738080
Joseph Paull
image number TNWELLRD 1095
image: TNWELLRD 1096
grave: 738081
Henry Frank Baker
image number TNWELLRD 1096
image: TNWELLRD 1097
grave: 738082
Beatrice Mary Baker
image number TNWELLRD 1097
image: TNWELLRD 1098
grave: 738083
Elise Pahon
image number TNWELLRD 1098
image: TNWELLRD 1099
grave: 738084
Benjamin Paton
image number TNWELLRD 1099

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Richard Dyte grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.