John Cameron details on a grave monument at Candie (area 9) Cemetery, St Peter Port, Guernsey,Guernsey

Name Details

Lieut- General Sir John Cameron

The name John Cameron is the first name on the monument.

The monument is in Candie (area 9) cemetery, St Peter Port, Guernsey, Guernsey.

There are 240 other graves within this cemetery that are listed within the GPR database.

John Cameron was buried in 1844.The actual date of death is given on the grave monument as 23/11/1844.

John Cameron age is given as 70.

John Cameron calculated year of birth is 1774.

John Cameron is listed on the GPR grave numbered 890855.

John Cameron is listed as the first name on monument on the grave monument.

John Cameron has the record number 1826936 within the GPR person name database table.

The record was added to the GPR on 17 June 2021

There are 7 images available for the monument listing John Cameron (see grave detail page).

The follow note is stored against John Cameron record:

Knight commander of the Military Order of the Bath. Lieut-General in the Army. Colonel of the 9th Regiment of Foot

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