List of names in alphabetic name order within Todmorden, Yorkshire, England

Below are all the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Todmorden

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The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

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List of names in alphabetic name order within Todmorden, Yorkshire, England surnamefull namerelationshipbirth
GPR ref.viewedrequestedcemetery namenotes
751SmithE Smithfirst name on the monument191419422810867966761Shore Baptist Chapel
752Jane Smithrelationship not known of Maria Sutcliffe185419226828767984651Shore Baptist Chapel
753John William Smithrelationship not known of Maria Sutcliffe186319397628767984651Shore Baptist Chapel
754Lynne Smithmother of Suzanne Smith3367959281Shore Baptist Chapel
755Patrick Smithfather of Suzanne Smith3367959281Shore Baptist Chapel
756Suzanne Smithfirst name on the monument3367959281Shore Baptist Chapel
757SouthwellAda Southwellfirst name on the monument188819364860679619101Shore Baptist Chapel
758Ada M Southwellrelationship not known of Sarah Ellen Southwell86311679870101Shore Baptist Chapel
759Alice Southwellrelationship not known of Thomas Henry Southwell186219377524767980681Shore Baptist Chapel
760Amos Southwellson of Jeremiah Southwell1871194271200679759111Shore Baptist Chapel
761Arthur Frederick William Southwellfirst name on the monument191419321880679639121Shore Baptist Chapel
762Bertha Southwellfirst name on the monument186219165415567971491Shore Baptist Chapel
763Dan Southwellbrother of David Southwell1854188935310679869111Shore Baptist Chapel
764David Southwellrelationship not known of Willie Southwell187018902025267981151Shore Baptist Chapel
765David Southwellfirst name on the monument1860188525310679869111Shore Baptist Chapel
766David Southwellrelationship not known of Thomas Henry Southwell183218825024767980681Shore Baptist Chapel
767Doris Southwellsister of Frank Southwell190117667973582Shore Baptist Chapel
768Emily Southwellwife of James Southwell186519619613867969751Shore Baptist Chapel
769Ernest Southwellhusband of Hilda Southwell8867964771Shore Baptist Chapel
770Ernest Southwellbrother of Frank Southwell189919181917667973582Shore Baptist Chapel
771Ethel Asenath Southwellmother of Arthur Frederick William Southwell188219587680679639121Shore Baptist Chapel
772Frank Southwellfirst name on the monument188717667973582Shore Baptist Chapel
773Fred Southwellfather of Frank Southwell186719205317667973582Shore Baptist Chapel
774Fred Southwellfirst name on the monument19271972459367965241Shore Baptist Chapel
775Hannah Southwellwife of Jeremiah Southwell1830188858200679759111Shore Baptist Chapel
776Harold B Southwellrelationship not known of Sarah Ellen Southwell1915311679870101Shore Baptist Chapel
777Henry Southwellson of Bertha Southwell188719173015567971491Shore Baptist Chapel
778Henry Southwellrelationship not known of Sarah Ellen Southwell1884192137311679870101Shore Baptist Chapel
779Henry Southwellhusband of Sarah Ellen Southwell311679870101Shore Baptist Chapel
780Hilda Southwellfirst name on the monument18951927328867964771Shore Baptist Chapel
781Jack Southwellson of Hilda Southwell8867964771Shore Baptist Chapel
782James Southwellfirst name on the monument184719146713867969751Shore Baptist Chapel
783James Southwellfather of Willie Southwell25267981151Shore Baptist Chapel
784James Wilie Southwellson of James Southwell3613867969751Shore Baptist Chapel
785Jane Southwellmother of Willie Southwell182818845625267981151Shore Baptist Chapel
786Jeremiah Southwellfirst name on the monument1824189167200679759111Shore Baptist Chapel
787John Southwellson of Jeremiah Southwell185518561200679759111Shore Baptist Chapel
788Martha Hannah Southwellmother of Frank Southwell17667973582Shore Baptist Chapel
789Mary Southwellmother of David Southwell1820188666310679869111Shore Baptist Chapel
790Rhoda Southwellsister of David Southwell1852191058310679869111Shore Baptist Chapel
791Sam Southwellhusband of Ada Southwell7460679619101Shore Baptist Chapel
792Sarah Ellen Southwellfirst name on the monument1833185522311679870101Shore Baptist Chapel
793Susan Southwellrelationship not known of Thomas Henry Southwell183619178124767980681Shore Baptist Chapel
794Susannah Southwellrelationship not known of Jeremiah Southwell1871194675200679759111Shore Baptist Chapel
795Thomas Southwellhusband of Bertha Southwell185819297115567971491Shore Baptist Chapel
796Thomas Southwellfather of Arthur Frederick William Southwell188019628280679639121Shore Baptist Chapel
797Thomas Southwellfather of David Southwell1820190181310679869111Shore Baptist Chapel
798Thomas Henry Southwellfirst name on the monument186218721024767980681Shore Baptist Chapel
799Willie Southwellfirst name on the monument18701872225267981151Shore Baptist Chapel
800SransfieldRobert Sransfieldrelationship not known of William Stansfield185019015129467985361Shore Baptist Chapel

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