List of names in alphabetic name order within Eday, Orkney, Scotland

Below are all the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Eday

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The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

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List of names in alphabetic name order within Eday, Orkney, Scotland surnamefull namerelationshipbirth
GPR ref.viewedrequestedcemetery namenotes
401MillerRobert Millerfirst name on the monument195444657179211181Old Graveyard
402Robert Candlish Millerfirst name on the monument18671927602957145011921Old Graveyard
403Thomas Millerfirst name on the monument8257149410931Old Graveyard
404William Millername on the war memorial260595111121War Memorial
405William Millerson of Robert Miller189419162217257156411491Old Graveyard
406MilneJane Jemima Milne nee Wallswife of John Milne185719438617957157012001Old Graveyard
407John Milnefirst name on the monument184819176917957157012001Old Graveyard
408MoodieFrances L Moodiefirst name on the monument19281936829357166512401Old Graveyard
409James Moodiefather of Frances L Moodie29357166512401Old Graveyard
410James S Moodiehusband of Margaret Moodie190219737144257178811181Old Graveyard
411Margaret Moodiemother of Frances L Moodie29357166512401Old Graveyard
412Margaret Moodie nee Harcusfirst name on the monument190219575544257178811181Old Graveyard
413Margaret Moodie nee Seatterrelationship not known of Frances L Moodie187019417129357166512401Old Graveyard
414William Moodierelationship not known of Frances L Moodie187019386829357166512401Old Graveyard
415Muir???????? Muirrelationship not known of Robert Muir32557168812291Old Graveyard
416David Muirhusband of Robina Muir18061892861857144012551Old Graveyard
417Isabella Muirsister of Thomas Muir28357165511441Old Graveyard
418Jane Muirwife of ????? ????181018998932057168511811Old Graveyard
419John Muirfirst name on the monument18431902591757143911261Old Graveyard
420Margaret Muir nee Reidwife of John Muir1757143911261Old Graveyard
421Margaret Muir nee Swanneywife of William Muir187138057173211171Old Graveyard
422Mary Muirfirst name on the monument7732657168911021Old Graveyard
423Mary Muir nee Millerfirst name on the monument186319518828957166111501Old Graveyard
424Robert Muirfirst name on the monument6032557168812291Old Graveyard
425Robina Muir nee Peacefirst name on the monument18221891691857144012551Old Graveyard
426Thomas Muirgrand nephew of Thomas Muir28357165511441Old Graveyard
427Thomas Muirfirst name on the monument7128357165511441Old Graveyard
428Thomas S Muirhusband of Mary Muir186119054428957166111501Old Graveyard
429William Muirfirst name on the monument338057173211171Old Graveyard
430MurrayA Daughter Murrayfirst name on the monument187218731557142912041Old Graveyard
431James Murrayrelationship not known of John Murray18367857149011201Old Graveyard
432Jane Murrayfirst name on the monument1760183575657143011161Old Graveyard
433John Murrayrelationship not known of John Murray7857149011201Old Graveyard
434John Murrayfirst name on the monument7857149011201Old Graveyard
435MutchJohn Mutchrelationship not known of Willliam Ronald Patterson4529457166611651Old Graveyard
436NielsonMarinus A Nielsonfirst name on the monument194824057162211681Old Graveyard
437NorquoyJames Norquoyfirst name on the monument8244357178911201Old Graveyard
438Mary Norquoywife of James Norquoy8044357178911201Old Graveyard
439PI Pfirst name on the monument17627157148611141Old Graveyard
440M Prelationship not known of I P7157148611141Old Graveyard
441P????on?? P????onmother of William P????on31357168011361Old Graveyard
442William P????onfirst name on the monument31357168011361Old Graveyard
443PatersonFrancis Patersonfather of Jessie Jean Paterson16657155811461Old Graveyard
444James Patersonfirst name on the monument187919113216557155711781Old Graveyard
445Jane Patersonmother of Jessie Jean Paterson16657155811461Old Graveyard
446Jane Paterson nee Cormackwife of James Paterson188119102916557155711781Old Graveyard
447Jessie Jean Patersonfirst name on the monument19081908016657155811461Old Graveyard
448Patterson???cis Pattersonfather of Francis Patterson27257164412511Old Graveyard
449Alice E Pattersonfirst name on the monument2529057166211641Old Graveyard
450Barbara Patterson nee Esselmontwife of Willliam Ronald Patterson8629457166611651Old Graveyard

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