List of names in alphabetic name order within Healing, Lincolnshire, England

Below are all the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Healing

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The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

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List of names in alphabetic name order within Healing, Lincolnshire, England surnamefull namerelationshipbirth
GPR ref.viewedrequestedcemetery namenotes
401NicholsLeonard Nicholsson of Henry Alpheus Nichols1911197059213334969241St Peter and St Paul
402Mary Nicholsdaughter of Laura Nichols1913200592235334991351St Peter and St Paul
403Rosetta Nicholswife of George Boulton Nichols1897198083240334996291St Peter and St Paul
404NicholsonMary Nicholsonwife of Samuel Nicholson1959129334889281St Peter and St Paul
405Samuel Nicholsonfirst name on the monument1934129334889281St Peter and St Paul
406NightingaleErnest Nightingalename on the war memorial256490631War Memorial
407NortonAlice Nortonwife of Fred Norton188919708151334820491St Peter and St Paul
408Fred Nortonfirst name on the monument189119344351334820491St Peter and St Paul
409George Albert Nortonfirst name on the monument1911199786323335079231St Peter and St Paul
410OkopskyjRobert Glen William Okopskyjgrand son of William Littler19621962056334825131St Peter and St Paul
411OliverAlfred Oliverhusband of Edith May Oliver1911198372276335032431St Peter and St Paul
412Edith May Oliverfirst name on the monument1916198266276335032431St Peter and St Paul
413OnnMary Ann Onnrelationship not given of Wilfred Markham Onn1912199078371335125331St Peter and St Paul
414Wilfred Markham Onnfirst name on the monument1903198380371335125331St Peter and St Paul
415OxleyGeorge Frederick Oxleyfirst name on the monument1913197562236334992351St Peter and St Paul
416Mary Elizabeth Oxleywife of George Frederick Oxley1913198471236334992351St Peter and St Paul
417ParkinsonFrances Parkinsondaughter of John Parkinson1755177924382335132291St Peter and St Paul
418Frances Parkinson nee Greenwife of John Parkinson1728180779382335132291St Peter and St Paul
419Frances Parkinsonmother of Robert Parkinson380335130391St Peter and St Paul
420James Green Parkinsonson of John Parkinson1764178622382335132291St Peter and St Paul
421John Parkinsonfirst name on the monument1758183779383335133101St Peter and St Paul
422John Parkinsonfather of Robert Parkinson380335130391St Peter and St Paul
423John Parkinsonfirst name on the monument1717179881382335132291St Peter and St Paul
424Robert Parkinsonfirst name on the monument1760182262380335130391St Peter and St Paul
425William Grantham Parkinsonson of John Parkinson383335133101St Peter and St Paul
426ParnabyJohn Michael Parnabyfirst name on the monument1942198745278335034281St Peter and St Paul
427PeartC H Peartfather of Charles Hedley Peart10334784241St Peter and St Paul
428Charles Hedley Peartfirst name on the monument190619282210334784241St Peter and St Paul
429Charles Hedley Peartrelationship not given of Edna Mary Scoffin1880196282233334989341St Peter and St Paul
430S A Peartmother of Charles Hedley Peart10334784241St Peter and St Paul
431Sarah Ann Peartrelationship not given of Edna Mary Scoffin1881197493233334989341St Peter and St Paul
432PeersEdith Mary Peerswife of Mark Peers1899197071175334931191St Peter and St Paul
433Mark Peersfirst name on the monument1889196273175334931191St Peter and St Paul
434Neville S Peersname on the war memorial356491341War Memorial
435PetersonCarl Ernest Petersonhusband of Dorothy Annie Peterson1909198475238334994231St Peter and St Paul
436Carl Ernest Petersonfirst name on the monument1940198747277335033261St Peter and St Paul
437Dorothy Annie Petersonfirst name on the monument1912197765238334994231St Peter and St Paul
438Lillian Petersonfirst name on the monument1908199688317335073281St Peter and St Paul
439PinneyCharles S Pinneyname on the war memorial256490781War Memorial
440Clara Annie Pinneyfirst name on the monument1897196467180334936321St Peter and St Paul
441John Thomas Pinneyfirst name on the monument192919946545334815261St Peter and St Paul
442Joseph Pinneyname on the war memorial256490871War Memorial
443Joseph Charles Pinneyfirst name on the monument192119906974334840201St Peter and St Paul
444Tom Pinneyhusband of Clara Annie Pinney1895197580180334936321St Peter and St Paul
445PiperAnthony Piperfirst name on the monument1937198952105334868271St Peter and St Paul
446PorriCyril Porrifirst name on the monument189319505799334862161St Peter and St Paul
447Elizabeth Mary Porrifirst name on the monument119334880391St Peter and St Paul
448Fanny Porrifirst name on the monument182118755426334797271St Peter and St Paul
449Louis Porrifirst name on the monument98118334879361St Peter and St Paul
450Sarah Anne Porrifirst name on the monument182719027532334803211St Peter and St Paul

Lists of 618 names on monuments within Healing cemeteries:

St Peter and St Paul

War Memorial

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