List of names in alphabetic name order within Rotherham, Yorkshire, England

Below are all the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Rotherham

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The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

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List of names in alphabetic name order within Rotherham, Yorkshire, England surnamefull namerelationshipbirth
GPR ref.viewedrequestedcemetery namenotes
2151SwallowA C Swallowname on the war memorial130644237681War Memorial
2152A C Swallowname on the war memorial1306443248101War Memorial
2153J W Swallowname on the war memorial130044146331War Memorial
2154J W Swallowname on the war memorial130044264131War Memorial
2155SwanH Swanname on the war memorial130644324931War Memorial
2156H Swanname on the war memorial130644237841War Memorial
2157SwiftJ A Swiftname on the war memorial130844342631War Memorial
2158J H Swiftname on the war memorial130644325031War Memorial
2159J H Swiftname on the war memorial130644238021War Memorial
2160J W Swiftname on the war memorial130644325121War Memorial
2161J W Swiftname on the war memorial130644238221War Memorial
2162SylvesterT Sylvestername on the war memorial130644325221War Memorial
2163T Sylvestername on the war memorial130644238491War Memorial
2164W Sylvestername on the war memorial129444205421War Memorial
2165W Sylvestername on the war memorial129444117111War Memorial
2166TarpyJ Tarpyname on the war memorial129644139011War Memorial
2167J Tarpyname on the war memorial129644249811War Memorial
2168TaylorE D Taylorname on the war memorial129344194421War Memorial
2169E D Taylorname on the war memorial129344111521War Memorial
2170G Taylorname on the war memorial130644238621War Memorial
2171G Taylorname on the war memorial130644325351War Memorial
2172G N Taylorname on the war memorial130644325431War Memorial
2173G N Taylorname on the war memorial130644238841War Memorial
2174H Taylorname on the war memorial130144156721War Memorial
2175H Taylorname on the war memorial130144274521War Memorial
2176H Taylorname on the war memorial130644325541War Memorial
2177H Taylorname on the war memorial130644239051War Memorial
2178H Taylorname on the war memorial130044263331War Memorial
2179H Taylorname on the war memorial130044145711War Memorial
2180J Taylorname on the war memorial130844339851War Memorial
2181J J Taylorname on the war memorial130144156821War Memorial
2182J J Taylorname on the war memorial130144274611War Memorial
2183J T Taylorname on the war memorial130144274731War Memorial
2184J T Taylorname on the war memorial130144156911War Memorial
2185S H Taylorname on the war memorial129544236511War Memorial
2186S H Taylorname on the war memorial129544132411War Memorial
2187TeasdaleL Teasdalename on the war memorial130644239241War Memorial
2188L Teasdalename on the war memorial130644325621War Memorial
2189TempleC Templename on the war memorial129344108571War Memorial
2190C Templename on the war memorial129344188461War Memorial
2191TestiG Testiname on the war memorial130844342831War Memorial
2192ThistletonA Thistletonname on the war memorial130644325771War Memorial
2193A Thistletonname on the war memorial130644239451War Memorial
2194ThomasP Thomasname on the war memorial130644325841War Memorial
2195P Thomasname on the war memorial130644239641War Memorial
2196R Thomasname on the war memorial130044145841War Memorial
2197R Thomasname on the war memorial130044263531War Memorial
2198R Thomasname on the war memorial130644239941War Memorial
2199R Thomasname on the war memorial130644325941War Memorial
2200ThompsonE Thompsonname on the war memorial130644326021War Memorial

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