List of names in alphabetic name order within Blenheim, Marlborough, New Zealand

Below are all the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Blenheim

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The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

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List of names in alphabetic name order within Blenheim, Marlborough, New Zealand surnamefull namerelationshipbirth
GPR ref.viewedrequestedcemetery namenotes
8451VercoeH J N Vercoefirst name on the monument1974983400959121Omaka No 3 Lawn
8452Hannah Vercoefirst name on the monument1660401641201Omaka No 3 Lawn
8453Jillian Vercoemother of David Vercoe2778402760191Omaka No 3 Lawn
8454Lee Hector Vercoebrother of David Vercoe19681986182778402760191Omaka No 3 Lawn
8455Lilias Eliza Vercoerelationship not given of Walter Ernest Vercoe18701956861838401820221Omaka No 3 Lawn
8456Lillian Mihi Vercoefirst name on the monument19091963542501402484271Omaka No 3 Lawn
8457Lillian Mihi Vercoewife of Charles Ernest Vercoe2500402483681Omaka No 3 Lawn
8458Mary Ann Vercoefirst name on the monument187019407053400031221Omaka No 3 Lawn
8459P J Vercoefirst name on the monument1868401850131Omaka No 3 Lawn
8460Percy James Vercoehusband of Alice Mary Vercoe1862401844301Omaka No 3 Lawn
8461Phyllis Marguerite Vercoefirst name on the monument811400787191Omaka No 3 Lawn
8462Richard Vercoefirst name on the monument18631936731316401292161Omaka No 3 Lawn
8463Rosa Vercoefirst name on the monument19542182402165151Omaka No 3 Lawn
8464Royal Vercoefather of David Vercoe2778402760191Omaka No 3 Lawn
8465Ruby Harriett Vercoefirst name on the monument19081992841257401233141Omaka No 3 Lawn
8466Tui Vercoemother of Donald Francis Vercoe2779402761401Omaka No 3 Lawn
8467Walter Ernest Vercoefirst name on the monument18671949821838401820221Omaka No 3 Lawn
8468Walter Stephen Vercoehusband of Rosa Vercoe18941978842182402165151Omaka No 3 Lawn
8469VerryGladys Anna Verrywife of Sidney Thomas Verry18941971772503402486231Omaka No 3 Lawn
8470John William Verryfirst name on the monument18921968762615402597461Omaka No 3 Lawn
8471Mary Emily Verryrelationship not given of John William Verry18931979862615402597461Omaka No 3 Lawn
8472Sidney Thomas Verryfirst name on the monument18941963692503402486231Omaka No 3 Lawn
8473VicaryCynthia Vicarydaughter of William Richard Vicary543285351271Omaka 2
8474Eileen Mabel Vicarywife of William Richard Vicary1915200489543285351271Omaka 2
8475Kelvin Vicaryson of William Richard Vicary543285351271Omaka 2
8476Lionel William Herbert Vicaryfirst name on the monument1881196180522400499141Omaka No 3 Lawn
8477William Richard Vicaryfirst name on the monument1917197457543285351271Omaka 2
8478VickersAllen Thomas Vickersfirst name on the monument1954172284971111Omaka 2
8479Allen Thomas Vickersrelationship not given of Mary Ann Vickers195417228496981Omaka 2
8480Mary Ann Vickersfirst name on the monument195417228496981Omaka 2
8481Mary Kathleen Vickersfirst name on the monument1908192719172284970161Omaka 2
8482Mary Kathleen Vickersrelationship not given of Mary Ann Vickers190819271917228496981Omaka 2
8483ViggarsUnknown Viggarsfirst name on the monument1554401532131Omaka No 3 Lawn
8484VileBruce Stephen Vilefirst name on the monument196019622867400843141Omaka No 3 Lawn
8485VincentT Vincentfirst name on the monument1970104640102271Omaka No 3 Lawn
8486Una A Vincentrelationship not given of T Vincent1979104640102271Omaka No 3 Lawn
8487VocasivichMildred Vocasivichwife of William Joseph Vocasivich1897198083166400143121Omaka No 3 Lawn
8488William John Vocasivichson of William Joseph Vocasivich1922194321166400143121Omaka No 3 Lawn
8489William Joseph Vocasivichfirst name on the monument1898193739166400143121Omaka No 3 Lawn
8490VorbachArthur Amos Vorbachfirst name on the monument1882195472791400767301Omaka No 3 Lawn
8491Hannah Vorbachfirst name on the monument18601948881812401794321Omaka No 3 Lawn
8492Tomasina Kate Vorbachfirst name on the monument1886195165790400766261Omaka No 3 Lawn
8493VossClifford H J Vossfirst name on the monument19652552402535171Omaka No 3 Lawn
8494VowlesAda Vowlesfirst name on the monument1875194267462400439131Omaka No 3 Lawn
8495Charles Farnham Vowlesfirst name on the monument19081971632403402386401Omaka No 3 Lawn
8496Edna Bertha Vowlesrelationship not given of Charles Farnham Vowles19121998862403402386401Omaka No 3 Lawn
8497Frederick James Vowleshusband of Ada Vowles1871194675462400439131Omaka No 3 Lawn
8498Graham Vowlesfather of Joanne May Vowles2792402774141Omaka No 3 Lawn
8499Joanne May Vowlesfirst name on the monument1963196412792402774141Omaka No 3 Lawn
8500Pam Vowlesmother of Joanne May Vowles2792402774141Omaka No 3 Lawn

Lists of 9283 names on monuments within Blenheim cemeteries:

page start names: | Adams | Aitken | Anderson | Andrews | Ashwell | Avery | Baldwin | Barnett | Barry | Bastings | Beattie | Bennett | Betts | Black | Boddington | Botham | Boyce | Brake | Broadbent | Brown | Buist | Buschl | Caldwell | Cameron | Carter | Catley | Chapman | Christensen | Clifford | Collett | Connolly | Corbett | Coull | Craig | Cresswell | Crump | Dalton | Davis | Deas | Dillon | Doidge | Drew | Dwyer | Eden | Evans | Fairhall | Farmar | Ferdinand | Fisher | Flood | Ford | Foster | France | Frost | Galliers | Gascoigne | Gibbons | Giles | Gledhill | Goodwin | Goulter | Green | Guard | Haines | Ham | Hardin | Harris | Hart | Harvey | Hay | Hegglun | Herkt | Hill | Hocquard | Hodson | Holdaway | Horgan | Hounsell | Hundleby | Ivory | Jackson | James | Jeffries | Jermyn | Jones | Kater | Kennedy | Kilpatrick | Knight | Lammas | Lang | Le Poidevin | Lester | Lloyd | Lowe | MacDonald | Maclaine | Manning | Martella | Mason | Maxwell | McBeth | McCaskill | McElwain | McIsaac | McKenzie | McNabb | Mears | Melville | Millard | Mills | Mitchell | Moore | Morgan | Mortimer | Mulholland | Murrell | Neal | Neumann | Nicholas | Nicoll | Nosworthy | O'Connor | O'Leary | O'Sullivan | O'Sullivan | Osgood | Parker | Patchett | Patchett | Pattie | Penny | Phelps | Pollard | Powell | Priddle | Radich | Reardon | Register | Rennie | Roach | Robinson | Rodgerson | Rowe | Rush | Rutledge | Satherley | Schwass | Screen | Shepherd | Simmonds | Sloss | Smith | Smith | Southgate | Stade | Stephens | Stobie | Stretch | Sutherland | Tapp | Taylor | Thomas | Thompson | Thurston | Tohill | Tuckerman | Tyrrell | Vercoe | Vowles | Walker | Wanden | Ward | Watson | Watts | Webby | Wemyss | Western | Whitehead | Wilkinson | Willis | Wilson | Woodward | Wratt | Wright |

page start numbers: 1-50 | 51-100 | 101-150 | 151-200 | 201-250 | 251-300 | 301-350 | 351-400 | 401-450 | 451-500 | 501-550 | 551-600 | 601-650 | 651-700 | 701-750 | 751-800 | 801-850 | 851-900 | 901-950 | 951-1000 | 1001-1050 | 1051-1100 | 1101-1150 | 1151-1200 | 1201-1250 | 1251-1300 | 1301-1350 | 1351-1400 | 1401-1450 | 1451-1500 | 1501-1550 | 1551-1600 | 1601-1650 | 1651-1700 | 1701-1750 | 1751-1800 | 1801-1850 | 1851-1900 | 1901-1950 | 1951-2000 | 2001-2050 | 2051-2100 | 2101-2150 | 2151-2200 | 2201-2250 | 2251-2300 | 2301-2350 | 2351-2400 | 2401-2450 | 2451-2500 | 2501-2550 | 2551-2600 | 2601-2650 | 2651-2700 | 2701-2750 | 2751-2800 | 2801-2850 | 2851-2900 | 2901-2950 | 2951-3000 | 3001-3050 | 3051-3100 | 3101-3150 | 3151-3200 | 3201-3250 | 3251-3300 | 3301-3350 | 3351-3400 | 3401-3450 | 3451-3500 | 3501-3550 | 3551-3600 | 3601-3650 | 3651-3700 | 3701-3750 | 3751-3800 | 3801-3850 | 3851-3900 | 3901-3950 | 3951-4000 | 4001-4050 | 4051-4100 | 4101-4150 | 4151-4200 | 4201-4250 | 4251-4300 | 4301-4350 | 4351-4400 | 4401-4450 | 4451-4500 | 4501-4550 | 4551-4600 | 4601-4650 | 4651-4700 | 4701-4750 | 4751-4800 | 4801-4850 | 4851-4900 | 4901-4950 | 4951-5000 | 5001-5050 | 5051-5100 | 5101-5150 | 5151-5200 | 5201-5250 | 5251-5300 | 5301-5350 | 5351-5400 | 5401-5450 | 5451-5500 | 5501-5550 | 5551-5600 | 5601-5650 | 5651-5700 | 5701-5750 | 5751-5800 | 5801-5850 | 5851-5900 | 5901-5950 | 5951-6000 | 6001-6050 | 6051-6100 | 6101-6150 | 6151-6200 | 6201-6250 | 6251-6300 | 6301-6350 | 6351-6400 | 6401-6450 | 6451-6500 | 6501-6550 | 6551-6600 | 6601-6650 | 6651-6700 | 6701-6750 | 6751-6800 | 6801-6850 | 6851-6900 | 6901-6950 | 6951-7000 | 7001-7050 | 7051-7100 | 7101-7150 | 7151-7200 | 7201-7250 | 7251-7300 | 7301-7350 | 7351-7400 | 7401-7450 | 7451-7500 | 7501-7550 | 7551-7600 | 7601-7650 | 7651-7700 | 7701-7750 | 7751-7800 | 7801-7850 | 7851-7900 | 7901-7950 | 7951-8000 | 8001-8050 | 8051-8100 | 8101-8150 | 8151-8200 | 8201-8250 | 8251-8300 | 8301-8350 | 8351-8400 | 8401-8450 | 8451-8500 | 8501-8550 | 8551-8600 | 8601-8650 | 8651-8700 | 8701-8750 | 8751-8800 | 8801-8850 | 8851-8900 | 8901-8950 | 8951-9000 | 9001-9050 | 9051-9100 | 9101-9150 | 9151-9200 | 9201-9250 | 9251-9283 |

Omaka 2

Omaka New (1)

Omaka No 3 Lawn

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