List of names in alphabetic name order within St George, Bristol, England

Below are all the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for St George

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The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

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List of names in alphabetic name order within St George, Bristol, England surnamefull namerelationshipbirth
GPR ref.viewedrequestedcemetery namenotes
2651RisdalePaul Risdaleson of Vincent Lawrence Risdale346569788111Avon View (part 2)
2652Paul Risdaleson of Vincent Lawrence Risdale346452090131Avon View
2653Stephen Risdaleson of Vincent Lawrence Risdale346569788111Avon View (part 2)
2654Stephen Risdaleson of Vincent Lawrence Risdale346452090131Avon View
2655Vincent Risdalegrand son of Vincent Lawrence Risdale346569788111Avon View (part 2)
2656Vincent Risdalegrand son of Vincent Lawrence Risdale346452090131Avon View
2657Vincent Lawrence Risdalefirst name on the monument1919200384346569788111Avon View (part 2)
2658Vincent Lawrence Risdalefirst name on the monument1919200384346452090131Avon View
2659RobbinsAustin Robbinsfirst name on the monument1911196251114795067171Avon View (part 4)
2660Clive Albert Robbinsson of Austin Robbins1938201173114795067171Avon View (part 4)
2661Elizabeth Robbinsdaughter-in-law of Joseph Robbins185419519732745207171Avon View
2662Elizabeth Robbinsdaughter-in-law of Joseph Robbins185419519732756976971Avon View (part 2)
2663Ethel May Robbinswife of Austin Robbins1912198674114795067171Avon View (part 4)
2664Frederic Joseph Robbinsgrand son of Joseph Robbins189219152332745207171Avon View
2665Frederic Joseph Robbinsgrand son of Joseph Robbins189219152332756976971Avon View (part 2)
2666Frederick George Robbinsfirst name on the monument188919455615956960171Avon View (part 2)
2667Frederick George Robbinsfirst name on the monument188919455615945190391Avon View
2668George Thomas Robbinsson of Joseph Robbins185719297232745207171Avon View
2669George Thomas Robbinsson of Joseph Robbins185719297232756976971Avon View (part 2)
2670Gordon Austin Robbinsson of Austin Robbins1942199654114795067171Avon View (part 4)
2671Harriett Robbinswife of Joseph Robbins181819078932756976971Avon View (part 2)
2672Harriett Robbinswife of Joseph Robbins181819078932745207171Avon View
2673James Harold Robbinsfirst name on the monument193320148156642904221Avon View (part 3)
2674Joseph Robbinsfirst name on the monument182119048332756976971Avon View (part 2)
2675Joseph Robbinsfirst name on the monument182119048332745207171Avon View
2676Sean Robbinsfirst name on the monument642905201Avon View (part 3)
2677RobertsAlfred J Robertsfirst name on the monument187919183920556964781Avon View (part 2)
2678Alfred J Robertsfirst name on the monument187919183920545194971Avon View
2679Edith Nellie Robertsdaughter of Alfred J Roberts191019241420545194971Avon View
2680Edith Nellie Robertsdaughter of Alfred J Roberts191019241420556964781Avon View (part 2)
2681RobinsonNicholas Robinsonfirst name on the monument199520141960642909201Avon View (part 3)
2682RoeEllen Rosin Roedaughter of Mary Ellen Roe190919776834794987191Avon View (part 4)
2683John Henry Roehusband of Mary Ellen Roe190819817334794987191Avon View (part 4)
2684Mary Ellen Roefirst name on the monument189919636434794987191Avon View (part 4)
2685RogersBarbara Rogersmother of Charles Rogers1904198682117451861121Avon View
2686Barbara Rogersmother of Charles Rogers1904198682117569559101Avon View (part 2)
2687Charles Rogersfirst name on the monument1920194020117569559101Avon View (part 2)
2688Charles Rogersfirst name on the monument1920194020117451861121Avon View
2689Harriett Rogersmother of Harriett Rogers1789184152img_2158371914281St George
2690Harriett Rogersfirst name on the monument182018255img_2158371914281St George
2691Maria Rogersson of Harriett Rogers182318318img_2158371914281St George
2692Walter Rogersfather of Charles Rogers1900195858117569559101Avon View (part 2)
2693Walter Rogersfather of Charles Rogers1900195858117451861121Avon View
2694Walter Morgan Rogersson of Charles Rogers1922200684117569559101Avon View (part 2)
2695Walter Morgan Rogersson of Charles Rogers1922200684117451861121Avon View
2696RootHenry Rootrelationship not given of Will Leighimg_2157371895181St George
2697RosbachAlida Rosbachfirst name on the monument18961969739794962211Avon View (part 4)
2698RossLillian Rossfirst name on the monument1893195865139795092211Avon View (part 4)
2699Lucille Rossfirst name on the monument192620158932642880351Avon View (part 3)
2700RossiterElizabeth Ann Rossiterwife of Frank Rossiter1890196070106795059211Avon View (part 4)

Lists of 3389 names on monuments within St George cemeteries:

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St George

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