List of names in alphabetic name order within Penicuik, Midlothian, Scotland

Below are all the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Penicuik

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The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

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List of names in alphabetic name order within Penicuik, Midlothian, Scotland surnamefull namerelationshipbirth
GPR ref.viewedrequestedcemetery namenotes
201BrownIsabella Brownrelationship not given of Robert Jenkinson1800183434373279086261St Mungo
202James Brownfirst name on the monument1821188564147278866201St Mungo
203James Brownfirst name on the monument181118806978278798401St Mungo
204James Brownrelationship not given of Marion Lewis1892165278884191St Mungo
205James Brownrelationship not given of James Brown1807185245206278925181St Mungo
206James Brownrelationship not given of James Brown147278866201St Mungo
207James Brownfirst name on the monument1764184278208278927261St Mungo
208James Brownfirst name on the monument1778185274206278925181St Mungo
209Jane Brownrelationship not given of James Brown1812185543206278925181St Mungo
210Jean Brownrelationship not given of John Brown1852193280322279036331St Mungo
211Jessie Brownrelationship not given of James Brown184518601578278798401St Mungo
212Jessie Brownfirst name on the monument1845188035157278876241St Mungo
213Joan Brownrelationship not given of Isabella Dodds1794180410266278983181St Mungo
214Joan Brownrelationship not given of Joan McKay1878189517167278886331St Mungo
215John Brownfirst name on the monument1850186616322279036331St Mungo
216John Brownrelationship not given of Mary Joanna Smaill1836189862198278917461St Mungo
217John Brownrelationship not given of James Brown1800184242206278925181St Mungo
218Lilias Brownrelationship not given of John Thorburn1761184079212278931301St Mungo
219Margaret Brownrelationship not given of James Brown188119597878278798401St Mungo
220Margaret Brownrelationship not given of James Brown185119358478278798401St Mungo
221Marion Brownrelationship not given of James McLean179618545884278804201St Mungo
222Martha Brownrelationship not given of John Horne1826189165115278835151St Mungo
223Mary Brownrelationship not given of Mary Joanna Smaill1844193591198278917461St Mungo
224Mary Brownrelationship not given of Christina Hunter1843191875316279031281St Mungo
225Mary Ann Brownrelationship not given of James Brown1816184327206278925181St Mungo
226Mary Thomson Brownrelationship not given of Mary Joanna Smaill1863188320198278917461St Mungo
227R P Brownfirst name on the monument1894192026149278868381St Mungo
228Rachel Brownrelationship not given of Alexander Henderson1798183739292279009131St Mungo
229Robert Brownrelationship not given of Joan McKay1843190562167278886331St Mungo
230Robert Brownrelationship not given of John Brown1821189978322279036331St Mungo
231Thomas M Brownrelationship not given of Marion Lewis1845193186165278884191St Mungo
232William Brownrelationship not given of Jean Gladstones182318977471278791221St Mungo
233William Brownrelationship not given of David Brown185019045420278741191St Mungo
234BruceInfant Son Brucerelationship not given of Agnes L Brown184018400207278926271St Mungo
235Isabella Brucefirst name on the monument182418593585278805111St Mungo
236BryanAndrew Bryanrelationship not given of David Hume156278875401St Mungo
237BryceClementina Brycerelationship not given of Janet Ewart1830321279035161St Mungo
238James Brycerelationship not given of Janet Ewart184218464321279035161St Mungo
239James Brycerelationship not given of Janet Ewart1789185768321279035161St Mungo
240BrydonAlexander Brydonrelationship not given of Alexander Brydon1746182882281278998131St Mungo
241Alexander Brydonfirst name on the monument1785181631281278998131St Mungo
242Isabella Brydonrelationship not given of Alexander Brydon1820189373281278998131St Mungo
243James Brydonrelationship not given of Alexander Brydon1788186981281278998131St Mungo
244Janet Brydonrelationship not given of Alexander Brydon1827189467281278998131St Mungo
245BunyanAndrew Bunyanfirst name on the monument1725179570346279059171St Mungo
246Christian Bunyanrelationship not given of Andrew Bunyan346279059171St Mungo
247James Bunyanrelationship not given of Andrew Bunyan346279059171St Mungo
248John Bunyanrelationship not given of Andrew Bunyan346279059171St Mungo
249William Bunyanrelationship not given of Andrew Bunyan175517649346279059171St Mungo
250BurgessAlexander Burgessrelationship not given of John Burgess1880196181159278878171St Mungo

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