List of names in alphabetic name order within Malvern, Worcestershire, England

Below are all the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Malvern

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The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

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List of names in alphabetic name order within Malvern, Worcestershire, England surnamefull namerelationshipbirth
GPR ref.viewedrequestedcemetery namenotes
701GwynneIris Gwendoline Gwynnewife of Reginald Samuel Ralph Gwynne1917200285S630019115724581St James
702John Gwynnefirst name on the monument1851193786S6300321157346201St James
703Ralph Patrick Gwynnefirst name on the monument1917S630013915719271St James
704Reginald Samuel Ralph Gwynnefirst name on the monument1917196952S630019115724581St James
705Samuel J Gwynnefirst name on the monument1880192747S6300353157374101St James
706Sydney E Gwynnerelationship not given of Elizabeth M Gwynne1885196580S630023215727491St James
707Walter Gwynnefirst name on the monument1915S630013715717871St James
708HJ Hfirst name on the monument1913S6300113157160221St James
709S Hrelationship not given of J H1934S6300113157160221St James
710HadleyEdith May Hadleyfirst name on the monument1911198473P1020513137852151St Matthias
711HaffieldGeorge Haffieldfirst name on the monument1906197872P103025114775791St Peter Cowleigh Bank
712Miriam Haffieldrelationship not given of George Haffield1908199385P103025114775791St Peter Cowleigh Bank
713HaggarEmily Haggarfirst name on the monument1915199479P1030507147941121St Peter Cowleigh Bank
714HaggettAlbert Haggetthusband of Mary Haggett1844192379P1020853138190321St Matthias
715Mary Haggettfirst name on the monument1840191575P1020853138190321St Matthias
716HainsworthAgnes Amy Hainsworthmother of Harold Frank Hainsworth1878196284P103023214773881St Peter Cowleigh Bank
717Harold Frank Hainsworthfirst name on the monument1903195148P103023214773881St Peter Cowleigh Bank
718HaleWilliam Halefirst name on the monument1788186678S6300076137985341St Matthias
719HalesAlfred Halesfirst name on the monument1872192755P1020469137815231St Matthias
720Annie Haleswife of Alfred Hales1875195782P1020469137815231St Matthias
721C Halesrelationship not given of Willie HalesS6300050137968251St Matthias
722C Halesrelationship not given of Willie HalesS6300034137960191St Matthias
723E Halesrelationship not given of Willie HalesS6300050137968251St Matthias
724E Halesrelationship not given of Willie HalesS6300034137960191St Matthias
725Horace Halesfirst name on the monument1894192632P1020471137817241St Matthias
726Willie Halesfirst name on the monument1891190615S6300034137960191St Matthias
727Willie Halesfirst name on the monument1891190615S6300050137968251St Matthias
728HalfordKevin Halfordrelationship not given of Richard Andrew HalfordP1020963138286341St Matthias
729Miranda Halfordrelationship not given of Richard Andrew HalfordP1020963138286341St Matthias
730Richard Andrew Halfordfirst name on the monument1950198131P1020963138286341St Matthias
731Violet Halfordrelationship not given of Richard Andrew HalfordP1020963138286341St Matthias
732HallAlice Marion Hallfirst name on the monument1881196180S6300376157392121St James
733Ann Hallwife of William Hall1816189175S6300213157265151St James
734Frances Alice Hallfirst name on the monument1883190219S6300130138029121St Matthias
735Greta Hallfirst name on the monument1934200975P1030515147949181St Peter Cowleigh Bank
736James Hallfirst name on the monument1908198173S630018315723851St James
737Kathleen Hallfirst name on the monument1890196878P103045814789671St Peter Cowleigh Bank
738Margaret Mary Hallfirst name on the monument1887196881P103024114774791St Peter Cowleigh Bank
739Marian Hallfirst name on the monument1853192572P1020558137886171St Matthias
740Maurice Reginald Hallfirst name on the monument1932199967P1030516147950121St Peter Cowleigh Bank
741Pearl Josephine Hallfirst name on the monument1939198041S6300185157240101St James
742William Hallfirst name on the monument1812188876S6300213157265151St James
743HallettMonica Felicity Hallettaunt of Sylvia Roma Allen1898198789S6300262157300241St James
744HamblettJob Thomas Hamblettfirst name on the monument1837191881P1020969138292201St Matthias
745HamerAnne Hamerrelationship not given of Edith Gertrude HamerS6300235157277141St James
746Edith Gertrude Hamerfirst name on the monument1882196179S6300235157277141St James
747Henry Hamerrelationship not given of Edith Gertrude HamerS6300235157277141St James
748HammondAda Elizabeth Hammondwife of Thomas Hezekiah Hammond1842191573P1020928138251211St Matthias
749Ethel May Hammondfirst name on the monument1898198385S6300280157311111St James
750George Hammondrelationship not given of Mary Ann Hammond1824190884S630009615714481St James

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