Surname list for Block C-D West, Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire, England grave monument photos held within Gravestone Photographic Resource (GPR)

Block C-D West Cemetery, Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire, England

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List of names found on Block C-D West Cemetery tomb monuments
full namebirth
GPR ref.number
of views

1AbelJane Abel1851188635id: 1997504770341
2Zachariah Abel1847188639id: 1997504769341

3AbleChristopher Ableid: 2003504783351
4Janet Ableid: 2003504782351
5June Able nee Corsep1934199056id: 2003504780351
6Ron Ableid: 2003504781351

7AllenHetty Allen1912199078id: 2005504785331

8AllsoppHenry Allsopp1827189568id: 1951504648441

9AndresonFrances Andreson1841190867id: 1962504670451

10AppleyardAnn Appleyard1805189186id: 1841504394311
11Ann Appleyardid: 1897504527421
12Betsy Appleyardid: 1841504398311
13Charles Appleyardid: 1841504397311
14James Appleyardid: 1841504395311
15James Appleyard1803189087id: 1897504526421

16AshfordMaria Francis Ashford1819188465id: 2018504814291
17Thomas Ashford1846188438id: 2018504816291
18William Ashford1834190167id: 1893504516271

19AshtonEdith Middleton Ashton nee Hodge1876195377id: 1867504462381

20AustrinAlfie Austrin191219153id: 1895504519271
21Ethel Austrinid: 1895504521271
22John Austrinid: 1895504520271

23AyresElizabeth Ayres1852192775id: 1898504530241
24Frank Garness Ayres1881189817id: 1898504528241
25Henry John Ayres1849191566id: 1898504529241

Grave Monument Photographs

Names on Grave Monument photographs

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Block C-D West Cemetery, Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire, England.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

The postcode for this cemetery is DN35 8EQ - if you have a GPS this might be useful to locate this cemetery!

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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