Monument list for Baptist Church burial ground

Baptist Church's burial ground, Moleston, Pembrokeshire, Wales

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

1BadhamRaymond Badham1917401957no image32572271Raymond H Badham born Dec qtr 1916
Vivian Badham195131954 Vivian A Badham born Sep qtr 1951
Lilian Sophia Badham1918932011

2BadhamWynford Badham1904241928no image32571481Husband of Mary Badham of Mill Pond; Narberth - Wynford Stuart Badham born Begelly Jun qtr 1904

3EynonMary Eynon185021852no image325712221age 2 years 6 months - Granddaughter of Thomas Thomas of Treadore??

4JohnIrene Maud John1898661964no image32572851
George Morgan John1891771968

5LewisAnn Lewis1780891869no image32570561Petersfinger in the Parish of Templeton Stone erected by granddaughter Ann Griffiths
Mary Griffithy1802811883 Free bmd shows Mary Griffiths dying Narberth Mar qtr 1883 aged 81

6LewisDavid Lewis1810461856no image32569971
Daniel Lewis1842211863

7LewisElizabeth Lewis1818821900no image3257048112/01/18?8 assumed to be in 1900's - Wife of James Lewis

8LewisElizabeth Lewis1774541828no image32570071

9LewisEvan Lewis1764721836no image32570961

10LewisJohn Lewis1841581899no image32570771Of Middle Hill Loveston
Mary Lewis189261898

11LewisMary Lewis1841821923no image325721101Middle Hill Loveston
Henry Lewis1856851941

12LewisMary Lewis1788631851no image32570381Wife of Samuel Lewis of Loveston Mill

13LewisMary Ann Lewis1824561880no image32570291Beach Cottage

14LewisMary Catherine Lewis1883771960no image325708111Late of Pretoria; South Africa
Albert Lewis1881791960

15LewisThomas Lewis1853231876no image32570671Grandson of Thomas Thomas of Cosheston only child of Robert and Elizbeth Lewis
Robert Lewis1826831909
Elizabeth Lewis1828811909

16LewisWilliam Lewis1880321912no image32571651Son of David and Sarah Lewis of Bethel Loveston
Sarah Jane Lewis1888271915 Youngest daughter of David and Sarah Lewis

17LewisWilliam Lewis1870521922no image32572071Of Manchester late of London died Buxton. Husband of Jennie G Lewis
Irene Francis Alice Lewis1912892001 Born London; died Manchester.
Jane Griffiths Lewis1870961966 Born at Wood Office. Died Manchester

18LewisWilliam Lewis1806741880no image32571041age 74? - Of Rose Side
Lydia Lewis1801911892

19MorganFanny Morgan1858no image32572671May be 1898 aged 77 - only record on BMD
Thomas Morgan1810751885

20MorganMargaret Morgan1797791876no image32570181
John Morgan1791881879

21ReesJohn Rees1874741948no image32571891Roadside Molleston
James Scourfield1848841932
Mary Jane Rees1880731953

22SalmonElizabeth Salmon1851601911no image32572371The Bank Templeton Aged 58 on BMD
John Salmon1849771926 Aged 76 on BMD

23ScourfieldAnnie Scourfield1885no image325725151age 11 months - Daughter of Thomas and Sarah
Albert Thomas Scourfield1886 age 7 months - Rowlands Park
William Davies1897 age 9 weeks - Son of William and Elizabeth Davies of Templeton

24ScourfieldMartha Scourfield1880551935no image32571791Cold Blow
John Thomas Scourfield1875811956
Thomas Henry Scourfield1904541958

25ScourfieldSarah Scourfield1848671915no image325715131Rowland Park Narberth
John Scourfield1870411911

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Baptist Church's burial ground, Moleston, Pembrokeshire, Wales.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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