Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 96594Details of grave number 96594 at Town Municipal Felixstowe for Gladys Muriel Humphries

Gladys Muriel Humphries grave monument in Town Municipal burial ground, Felixstowe, Suffolk, England

Gladys Muriel Humphries grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Gladys Muriel Humphries
John Patrick Humphries
1994 husband of Gladys Muriel Humphries

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Gladys Muriel Humphries grave location

(10 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 96594)

The following thumbnail images are the 10 taken before and 10 after the one for Gladys Muriel Humphries was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Gladys Muriel Humphries below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Gladys Muriel Humphries grave.

image: Nock Hilda 229
grave: 96584
Hilda Nock
image number Nock Hilda  229
image: Pittendreigh Alfred J E 229
grave: 96585
Alfred J E Pittendreigh
image number Pittendreigh Alfred J E   229
image: Smith Vera 229
grave: 96586
Vera Smith
image number Smith Vera  229
image: Barton Philip Mark 230
grave: 96587
Philip Mark Barton
image number Barton Philip Mark 230
image: Bugg Francis J 230
grave: 96588
Francis J Bugg
image number Bugg Francis J  230
image: Crooks William John 230
grave: 96589
William John Crooks
image number Crooks William John  230
image: 231
grave: 96590
Kathleen Rose Mcevoy
image number 231
image: 232
grave: 96591
Serge Zehnder Cape Horner
image number 232
image: Riches Reg 233
grave: 96592
Reg Riches
image number Riches Reg  233
image: Sagar Herbert Kenyon 233
grave: 96593
Herbert Kenyon Sagar
image number Sagar Herbert Kenyon 233
image: Humphries Gladys Muriel 234
grave: 96594
Gladys Muriel Humphries
image number Humphries Gladys Muriel  234
image: Reynolds Violet Lavinia 234
grave: 96595
Violet Lavinia Reynolds
image number Reynolds Violet Lavinia  234
image: Ring Rowland Arthur 234
grave: 96596
Rowland Arthur Ring
image number Ring Rowland Arthur  234
image: Wood Felix H 235
grave: 96597
Felix H Wood
image number Wood Felix H  235
image: Hood Ralph Maurice 236
grave: 96598
Ralph Maurice Hood
image number Hood Ralph Maurice  236
image: Stockdale Monica Gration 236
grave: 96599
Monica Gration Stockdale
image number Stockdale Monica Gration  236
image: Weech George Ambrose 236
grave: 96600
George Ambrose Weech
image number Weech George Ambrose  236
image: Cuddon Mary Hilda 237
grave: 96601
Mary Hilda Cuddon
image number Cuddon Mary Hilda  237
image: French Lilian Esther 237
grave: 96602
Lilian Esther French
image number French Lilian Esther  237
image: Orford Joan Stacey 237
grave: 96603
Joan Stacey Orford
image number Orford Joan Stacey  237
image: Fulcher David Charles 238
grave: 96604
David Charles Fulcher
image number Fulcher David Charles  238

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Gladys Muriel Humphries grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.