Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 904913Details of grave number 904913 at London Necropolis (plots 2-4, 72-75) Brookwood for Robert Brass

Robert Brass grave monument in London Necropolis (plots 2-4, 72-75) cemetery, Brookwood, Surrey, England

Robert Brass grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Robert Brass
Ellen Brass
1936 wife of Robert Brass

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Robert Brass grave location

(10 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 904913)

The following thumbnail images are the 10 taken before and 10 after the one for Robert Brass was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Robert Brass below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Robert Brass grave.

image: DSC_2899
grave: 904903
Edmund Baron Hartley
image number DSC_2899
image: DSC_2900
grave: 904904
Charles Pitt Taylor
image number DSC_2900
image: DSC_2902
grave: 904905
B Barkworth
image number DSC_2902
image: DSC_2903
grave: 904906
Winifred Anne Barkworth
image number DSC_2903
image: DSC_2904
grave: 904907
Alexander Palmer Bruce Chichester
image number DSC_2904
image: DSC_2905
grave: 904908
Montagu Cornish Turner
image number DSC_2905
image: DSC_2905
grave: 904909
Charles Arthur Carr Turner
image number DSC_2905
image: DSC_2907
grave: 904910
George Lyell
image number DSC_2907
image: DSC_2908
grave: 904911
John Edwin Hose
image number DSC_2908
image: DSC_2909
grave: 904912
Frederick George Vigor
image number DSC_2909
image: DSC_2910
grave: 904913
Robert Brass
image number DSC_2910
image: DSC_2911
grave: 904914
Charles Frederick Kell
image number DSC_2911
image: DSC_2912
grave: 904915
Xenia Dmitrievna Guercken
image number DSC_2912
image: DSC_2913
grave: 904916
William Robinson
image number DSC_2913
image: DSC_2915
grave: 904917
Vivian Guy Duseley Mclachlin
image number DSC_2915
image: DSC_2923
grave: 904918
Randolph Humphrey Berens
image number DSC_2923
image: DSC_2924
grave: 904919
James William Malcolm
image number DSC_2924
image: DSC_2925
grave: 904920
John Ramsey L’amy
image number DSC_2925
image: DSC_2927
grave: 904921
William Ramsey L’amy
image number DSC_2927
image: DSC_2931
grave: 904922
Henry Baring Lawford
image number DSC_2931
image: DSC_2934
grave: 904923
Charles Michell Courage
image number DSC_2934

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Robert Brass grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.