Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Why are all the names on a grave monument recorded?

The GPR records every name mentioned on a grave monument. Besides the deceased, the other names mentioned on a monument are usually family members. By including this additional information, research on the GPR website becomes much more effective.

The main reason for recording all the names mentioned on a grave monument is to help researchers. Few other websites include this helpful feature.

The two main reasons that make this helpful are:

  1. Young children who die between census years
  2. The spouses of people whose names are not known but their spouse's name is


Young children who die between census years

If only a child's name is recorded from a grave monument then it is extremely unlikely that they will be found by a family history researcher. This is especially the case if the child is born and dies between census years.

If the parents' names are given on the grave monument then including this information on the GPR allows researchers to easily find family members.


The spouses of people whose names are not known but their spouse's name is

Often, researchers know a man's name but not his wife's name. Thus, if a grave only contains the wife, it is dificult to identify her.

This is made much easier if the spouse has an unusual forename but a common surname.

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Gravestone Photographic Resource (GPR)

An international directory of grave, tomb, war and other death memorials.

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