All entries for the family name GILL held within the Gravestone Photographic Resource

All entries within the GPR for the family name GILL

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In most cases images are available. However sometimes they will unavailable. In many cases this is because although images have been taken they were unfortunately lost when the resource suffered a major computer fault and not all the images could be recovered.

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All comment/feedback/help requests within the Gravestone Photographic Resource for the name GILL

Thanks for helping to solve a problem.
I received an excellent image today of my great-great grandparent's grave stone. I think that the gravestone had been moved when the original graveyard was flooded by a reservoir in the 1960's. Other generations are also buried in Dacre Banks Churchyard. I found one when I went there this week but I couldn't find Harry Gill's stone. I shall request the image you have straight away.
entry submitted by Sue McGeever on: 05/02/2011 01:11 GMT ........ contact this person

Thanks again.
I had searched for this grave but had overlooked it because of it's overgrown state. Now I can look again.
entry submitted by Sue McGeever on: 09/02/2011 10:09 GMT ........ contact this person

Thomas Evans Gill b. 23 Feb 1932 d. 16 Jan 1980 Codnor, Municipal Cemetery, Codnor
Luke Gill b. 25 Nov 1872 d. 20 Oct 1947 not 20 Oct 1943
entry submitted by HAROLD MURRAY on: 08/01/2019 11:33 GMT ........ contact this person

Mary Gill
The best! great site for genealogy, must see what I can do in Natal, South Africa.Unfortunately grave does not give name of children to confirm this is the right Mary Gill.
entry submitted by Dawn Warburg on: 15/10/2011 06:46 GMT ........ contact this person

Staveley Gills
Thanks again to this site ! more pieces that fit are found. John Gill 1822-1852 4th great uncle Staveley North Yorkshire
entry submitted by ian asquith on: 24/07/2018 04:04 GMT ........ contact this person

Thank you
To find my Gt Gt Grandmother's grave in Spain was unbelievable! I also found a grave for Fanny Shade - which is the name of someone who appeared in old family photo's I have, proving they both lived in Spain around the same time.
entry submitted by Carol Watt on: 08/11/2013 12:53 GMT ........ contact this person

Photo Request
Thanks for the prompt turnround in sending through the photo - has enabled me to research further the Snowden tree in Bingley.
entry submitted by Rob Gill on: 17/09/2017 07:25 GMT ........ contact this person

Thank you
Thank you for the two images of the Gill family at Dacre, Yorkshire.
entry submitted by Carol Shilling on: 18/05/2016 05:45 GMT ........ contact this person

Great Phot
When I was directed to this webpage and requested a close up view of the headstone of my aunt and uncle I was impressed by the speed of the response and the clarity of the photograph. Thank you for providing such a helpful service for anyone interesting in their family history.
entry submitted by Graham Western on: 08/06/2016 01:18 GMT ........ contact this person

Just to confirm that Mary Thomasin’s surname is Gill. She was named after her great grandmother, Thomasin Fell. She was the daughter of Stephen Gill and Sarah Jane King.
entry submitted by Macy Thiesen on: 08/12/2024 01:12 GMT ........ contact this person

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