Sergeant William Abrey
The name William Abrey is listed on the War Memorial
The War Memorial is in Hinderclay, Suffolk, England.
There are 18 other names mentioned on this War Memorial.
William Abrey was buried in 1916. The actual date of death is not currently recorded on the GPR database but it may be on the grave monument photograph.
William Abrey age is given as 25.
William Abrey calculated year of birth is 1891.
William Abrey is listed on the GPR war memorial numbered 218540.
William Abrey has the record number 460128 within the GPR person name database table.
There is one image available for the monument listing William Abrey (see grave detail page).
The follow note is stored against William Abrey record:
War Memorial 1914-18 -East Surrey Regiment - 5145
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