Alexander Charles Edwin Christie details on a grave monument at Town Hall World War 1 Memorial , York, Western Australia,Australia

Name Details

Private Alexander Charles Edwin Christie

The name Alexander Charles Edwin Christie is listed on the War Memorial

The War Memorial is in York, Western Australia, Australia.

There are 0 other names mentioned on this War Memorial.

No date of death is recorded against Alexander Charles Edwin Christie entry on the monument.

Alexander Charles Edwin Christie is listed on the GPR war memorial numbered 972636.

Alexander Charles Edwin Christie has the record number 1996825 within the GPR person name database table.

The record was added to the GPR on 14 May 2024

There are images available for the monument listing Alexander Charles Edwin Christie (see grave detail page).

The follow note is stored against Alexander Charles Edwin Christie record:

Service Number. 2309. Enlisted - 9th May 1916. Returned to Australia 1st February 1918 - Brother John David Enever Christie. NOK - John Christie , Father

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