H Baggaley
The name H Baggaley is the first name on the monument.
The monument is in St Nicholas 2 church burial ground, Lutton, Lincolnshire, England.
There are 160 other graves within this cemetery that are listed within the GPR database.
No date of death is recorded against H Baggaley entry on the monument.
H Baggaley is listed on the GPR grave numbered 219606.
H Baggaley is listed as the first name on monument on the grave monument.
H Baggaley has the record number 462764 within the GPR person name database table.
The record was added to the GPR on 05 July 2012
There are 6 images available for the monument listing H Baggaley (see grave detail page).
The follow note is stored against H Baggaley record:
War Memorial 1914-18
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