John Biddle
The name John Biddle is the first name on the monument.
The monument is in Municipal cemetery, Upton on Severn, Worcestershire, England.
There are 254 other graves within this cemetery that are listed within the GPR database.
John Biddle was buried in 1919. The actual date of death is not currently recorded on the GPR database but it may be on the grave monument photograph.
John Biddle age is given as 85.
John Biddle birth is given as 1834.
John Biddle is listed on the GPR grave numbered 149353.
John Biddle is listed as the first name on monument on the grave monument.
John Biddle has the record number 317717 within the GPR person name database table.
The record was added to the GPR on 23 August 2011
There are 2 images available for the monument listing John Biddle (see grave detail page).
The follow note is stored against John Biddle record:
John Biddle 1834-1919 was born to William 1791?-1846 & Elizabeth Biddle 1801?-1864 in Upton.1841 Census - 7yrs.old living at Dunns Lane.1859 31st May- married Sarah Jane Sandilands1861 Census - 26yrs.old master of his canal boat called Sarah Jane delivering coal to Worcester, tied up in Tewksbury1871 Census - 37yrs.old Coal dealer living at Waterside & Brickkilne1881 Census - 47yrs.old Boat owner living at High Street.1888 - Coal & Hay Dealer in Waterside appeared in Kelly's Directory1891 Census - 57yrs.old living at High Street Hay & Coal Merchant.1901 Census - 67yrs.old living at Bridge House, Hay & Coal Merchant - Employer1919 23rd April- died 85yrs old1919 6th August Probate to Maria Somer (daughter, wife of James Henry Somer) William Biddle hay & coal merchant & John Williams Iron Works manager. Effects �9,067.2.11d