Annie Rebecca Quinlan
The name Annie Rebecca Quinlan is not the first name listed on the monument.
The monument is in Nobby cemetery, Nobby, Queensland, Australia.
There are 157 other graves within this cemetery that are listed within the GPR database.
Annie Rebecca Quinlan was buried in 1995. The actual date of death is not currently recorded on the GPR database but it may be on the grave monument photograph.
Annie Rebecca Quinlan calculated age is 96.
Annie Rebecca Quinlan birth is given as 1899.
Annie Rebecca Quinlan is listed on the GPR grave numbered 936153.
Annie Rebecca Quinlan is listed as the relationship not known of Elizabeth Wilkinson on the grave monument.
Annie Rebecca Quinlan has the record number 1923037 within the GPR person name database table.
The record was added to the GPR on 30 January 2023
There is one image available for the monument listing Annie Rebecca Quinlan (see grave detail page).
No notes are held against Annie Rebecca Quinlan record.