Private William Donald Glenroy (Roy) Mcgregor
The name William Donald Glenroy Mcgregor is not the first name listed on the monument.
The monument is in Balmoral (section 17 east) cemetery, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
There are 265 other graves within this cemetery that are listed within the GPR database.
William Donald Glenroy Mcgregor was buried in 1917. The actual date of death is not currently recorded on the GPR database but it may be on the grave monument photograph.
William Donald Glenroy Mcgregor age is given as 24.
William Donald Glenroy Mcgregor birth is given as 1893.
William Donald Glenroy Mcgregor is listed on the GPR grave numbered 835387.
William Donald Glenroy Mcgregor is listed as the relationship not given of Mary Mcgregor on the grave monument.
William Donald Glenroy Mcgregor has the record number 1714404 within the GPR person name database table.
The record was added to the GPR on 19 August 2020
There are 3 images available for the monument listing William Donald Glenroy Mcgregor (see grave detail page).
The follow note is stored against William Donald Glenroy Mcgregor record:
Born 20th July 1893 , South Brisbane. Service Number - 482. 12th Australian Machine Gun Company. Killed in action at Passchendaele , Belgium 13th October , 1917. Buried in the Tyne Cot Cemetery , Passchendaele , Flanders , Belgium. NoK - Moither - Mary McGregor