George MacAndrew grave monument details at St Michael and All Angels Church burial ground, Mickleham, Surrey,England

George MacAndrew grave monument in St Michael and All Angels Church burial ground, Mickleham, Surrey, England

George MacAndrew grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
George MacAndrew
1921184378first name on monument
Clara MacAndrew
1928187652relationship not given of George MacAndrew
Bertram MacAndrew
1962187884relationship not given of George MacAndrew
Kenneth Alexander MacAndrew
1933187360relationship not given of George MacAndrew
Flora Valentina MacAndrew
1941185091wife of George MacAndrew

For more information on one of the individual named above, please click on their name.

Please note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are probably not on the monument.

The calculated dates of birth should be treated with caution as in many cases it can be one year out.

The calculated dates of birth should also be treated with caution as the ages given on monuments are often inaccurate.

The names above are all the names that are listed on the grave monument. It is most likely that only the entries with dates and ages are interred in the grave.

Google internet search for George MacAndrew

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There are 3 images (380) for this grave monument

image of grave number 57192image of grave number 57192image of grave number 57192

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These grave details have been viewed 61 times since 8 Jan 2014 when these statistics were first collected.

This graves photo has been requested once since 8 Jan 2014 when these statistics were first collected.

Reasons why the image for this memorial was requested

Research into the MacAndrews of Juniper Hall, Mickleham, Surrey. I'm in the Midlands, some considerable distance from the site. I anticipate visiting sometime at the end of August. Any help will be much appreciated.
(requested on 26 07 2013)
I am researching the McAndrew family. John McAndrew (1838-1925) built Holy Trinity Church, Coleman's Hatch, East Sussex. John McAndrew was a first cousin of George MacAndrew, the spelling of the name was changed by George MacAndrew to facilitate its pronunciation to his Spanish and Portuguese business' partners. The McAndrews were a family from Elgin, they run a successful fruit import business later in London, Liverpool and New York, expanding into shipping. We are celearning John McAndrew at Coleman's Hatch next year on the centenary of his passing next year. Thanks a lot Eduardo
(requested on 08 09 2024)
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Location of the above George MacAndrew monument

St Michael and All Angels Church burial ground, Mickleham, Surrey, England

St Michael and All Angels Church burial ground, Mickleham
St Michael and All Angels Church burial ground

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