Jonathan Diaper grave monument details at St Mary Church burial ground, Old Newton, Suffolk,England

Jonathan Diaper grave monument in St Mary Church burial ground, Old Newton, Suffolk, England

Jonathan Diaper grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Jonathan Diaper
86 first name on monumentd 1891??

For more information on one of the individual named above, please click on their name.

Please note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are probably not on the monument.

The calculated dates of birth should be treated with caution as in many cases it can be one year out.

The calculated dates of birth should also be treated with caution as the ages given on monuments are often inaccurate.

The names above are all the names that are listed on the grave monument. It is most likely that only the entries with dates and ages are interred in the grave.

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There is one image (158) for this grave monument

image of grave number 248620

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These grave details have been viewed 17 times since 8 Jan 2014 when these statistics were first collected.

This graves photo has been requested once since 8 Jan 2014 when these statistics were first collected.

Reasons why the image for this memorial was requested

I am seeking my great-great-great-great-grandfather whose name is William James Diaper (aka John Jackson the infamous beachcomber of the South Pacific), born 11/11/1820 in Ardleigh Essex. His father's name is Jonathan Diaper married to Sarah Diaper. The picture of the grave site names Jonathan Diaper so I am hoping they are the same person I seek. One of my project goals is to seek confirmation hopefully through DNA to confirm or deny that we are missing descendants from Samoa. A letter was found from my late Uncle that has a family tree with John Jackson as being married or had a romantic affair... with my great (etc) grandmother in Samoa. For several generations this knowledge has circulated in a village in Samoa. There is also knowledge of fair-skinned children, blue/green eyes and red hair, with english first names e.g., Charles, Edwin, Fred and Nora that seem to run through my ancestry line but noone seems to know why. These names and personal appearance features are not traditional Samoan features. The only historic record we have found to date is of a John Jackson (William Diaper) that travelled to Samoa. The timeline fits with his date of birth and arrival into Samoa. So, if I can find further information and it is accurate, then I would like to pursue it. If not, then I can put this matter to rest. I hope you can understand my genuine plight. Kind regards Betty Grant ps my quest is also confirmed at
(requested on 30 11 2013)
possible great great grandfather
(requested on 16 03 2016)
Family research
(requested on 02 09 2020)
Think this headstone relates to my husbands' family, but would like to check the inscription. Thanks
(requested on 30 04 2024)
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Location of the above Jonathan Diaper monument

St Mary Church burial ground, Old Newton, Suffolk, England

St Mary Church burial ground, Old Newton
St Mary Church burial ground

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