Monument list for Invaliden Cemetery

Invaliden Cemetery, Berlin, Germany

Monument list surnamefull namebirth
GPR ref.view

1AhlersFriederich-Carl Ahlers1895191914id: BLNINAhlers211026251Lt in the Fusiliers Regt Killed in action at Andrespol in central Poland

2BartschHermann Bartsch1844671911id: BLNINBartsch211023221died in the adjoining hospice for disabled soldiers
Anna Bartsch1852841936
Kurt Bartsch1877371914 killed in action and buried in France

3FriesenKarl Friederich Friesen1784301814id: BLNINFrieFriesen211033221was a leading gymnast and geographer who joined von Lützow's brigade raised to resist Napoléon's invasion He was captured and shot by the French in 1814 in France but his body was returned for burial in 1843

4Geyr von SchweppenburgKarl-Wilhelm Geyr von Schweppenburg1882411923id: BLNINGeySchwep211038211born in Potsdam died in Munich served with the 10th Hussars in Stendal in Saxony-Anhalt
Carl Bernhard Geyr von Schweppenburg1913 buried in Russia at Wjasma (Viazma) near Smolensk during the German campaign in Russia in WW2
Johanna Geyr von Schweppenburg1890821972 buried in Ohlsdorf cemetery in Hamburg

5HildebrandtFranz Hildebrandt1878691947id: BLNINHildeStech211035321
Marie Hildebrandt1899
Julius Stechow1892671959

6Hilliger von GätrtringenJohann August Friedrich Hilliger von Gätrtringen1772841856id: BLNINGärtringen211051181a distingusihed Prussian general of the Napoleonic era he participated at the battle of Waterloo He was also a leading Freemason His name is also sometimes written Gaertringen

7HoffmannMax Hoffmann1869581927id: BLNINMaxHoff211032251was a militairy strategist and WW1 general who was regarded as one of the finest officers of the German imperial period He served notably under Hindenberg and Ludendorff on the eastern front and both superior officers took credit for his strategies

8JohnWerner John1898201918id: BLNINWerJohn211028181Ordonance Officer of the 63rd Infantry regt killed at Messines in Flanders (Belgium)

9KabischHelmuth Kabisch1898181916id: BLNINKabisch211029331Lt in the 9th Schleswig-Holstein Foot Artillery Regt killed in action at Verdun
Elisabeth Kabisch
Ernst Kabisch1866851951 joined the Prussian army in 1884 and rose to become commander of the 5th Lorraine Infantry regt He was wounded in WW1 became a staff officer but by 1918 was commander of the 54th Division During the Weimar republic he continued to serve in the German army and in 1920 became commander of the 5th Infantry Division Forced to retire in 1921 he was recalled to active service in 1939-40 He was a noted writer on military affairs and history

10Tauentzien von WittenbergBogislav Friedrich Emanuel Tauentzien von Wittenberg1760641824id: BLNINTauentzien1
(2 images)
211042171was a distinguished Prussian general during the Napoleonic wars who faought at the battle of Jena and participated in the capture of Wittenberg and Magdeburg He was later Commander of Berlin

11von ArnimCurth Gottlieb Heinrich von Arnim1736641800id: BLNINArnim211053111Governor of the adjoining Invalidenhaus hospital for wounded and retired soldiers

12von Beaulieu-MarconnayOlivier von Beaulieu-Marconnay1898201918id: BLNINBeauGill211030201was descended from a Franco-German Hugenot noble family In 1915 he joined the 1st Silesian Dragoon Guards and in 1917 he followed his brother into the new German Air Force After a series of victories he was promoted to squadron leader in September 1918 but he was shot down and mortally wounded the following month He was appointed as the youngest ever Knight of the Order of Merit after his 25th air victory

13von BeselerHans Hartwig von Beseler1850711921id: BLNINBeseler211047211commanded the German forces in Belgium in 1914 and captured Antwerp but was transerred to the Eastern Front the following year From 1915-1918 he was the governor of Poland and tried to pacify the population Nonetheless he was unsuccessful with the Polish and unpopular with German Nationalists

14von BoyenAmalie von Boyen1815711886id: BLNINBoyen1
(3 images)
Amalie von Boyen1780651845 wife of Field-Marshal von Boyen
Fanny von Boyen1815731888 wife of General von Boyen and daughter of General Gustav von Biron
Herrmann von Boyen1771771848 served in Poland from 1794-96 and on the staff of the Duke of Brunswick in 1806 when he was wounded From 1814-1819 and again from 1841-1847 he was Prussian minister of war
Herrmann von Boyen1811751886 ADC to Kaiser Wilhelm I and later Governor of Berlin

15von ColerAlwin von Coler1831701901id: BLNINColerAlw211025191joined the army medical corps in 1868 and became surgeon-general in 1889 with the rank of Lt General from 1891 From 1892 he was an honorary professor of Berlin University He was involved in the creation of the ambulance corps and the introduction of the use of antispetics for wounds
Edda von Coler1841821923

16von ColerHarry von Coler1872431915id: BLNINColerHar211024261

17von DiezelskyMichael Ludwig von Diezelsky1708711779id: BLNINDiezelsky1
(2 images)
211061181served in the Prussian army from 1724-1775 when he was appointed as the third governor of the adjoining Invalidenhaus until his death in 1779

18von EichhornHermann von Eichhorn1848701918id: BLNINEichhorn211046181a professional soldier who served in the Austro-Prussian and Franco-Prussian wars he commanded the 10th German Army from 1915-1918 and was promoted to Field Marshal and Militairy Governor of the Ukraine in 1918 when he was assasinated

19von FalkenhausenLudwig von Falkenhausen1844921936id: BLNINFalkenhausen211052171a professional soldier he was one of the most successful German generals serving on the French fronts from 1914-1917 He then became German Governor of Belgium 1917-1918

20von FritschWerner von Fritsch1880591939no image211045181after distinguished service in WW1 he rose to prominenance during the interwar period and rallied to the Nazi cause Himmler and Göring accused him unsuccessfully of homosexuality but he survived in high command died in 1939 inspecting the Polish front

21von GillhaussenGuido von Gillhaussen1870481918id: BLNINBeauGill211031161was a German war poet who in 1914 had a vision of the fall of the German empire He was a major in the 3rd Regt of Foot in 1914 and wounded at the battle of St Quentin in France the same year He was later commander of the Fusiliers Battalion of the 5th Grenadier Guards regt He died in Aachen after being wounded at Villiers-Bretonneaux on the Somme front

22von HartzPaula von Hartz1872651937id: BLNINHartz211037191born in Kusel in the Rhineland-Palatinate

23von KlitzingRichard von Klitzing1842651907id: BLNINKlitzing211034171Infantry general

24von Koscielski-PonoschauOskar von Koscielski-Ponoschau1874621936id: BLNINKosPon211039261
Susanne von Koscielski-Ponoschau1884

25Von KraneEgon Von Krane1847741921id: BLNINVonKrane211041181awarded the Iron Cross for his role in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71

Grave Monument Photographs

Monument images

Above are the names that appear on the photographs or records held by the GPR for Invaliden Cemetery, Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

If you would like to obtain a free copy of any of the photographs for the names listed on this page just click either the GPR reference number or one of the full names. For further information please visit our how to request an image page.

To see details of other people with the same surname, just click on the surname that is of interest.

The ages given on monuments are often incorrect and so dates of birth should be consided as probable rather than actual. Please also note that all ages and dates of birth in red have been calculated and are not on the monument.

There are two types of lists available for each cemetery. The grave order list displays details of all the names shown on each monument. The alphabetic name list displays details of all the names mentioned on monuments within the cemetery.

The view statistics shown above are from 8 Jan 2014 when collection of these statistics started.

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