Porlock Ridge Memorial, Porlock
This is a memorial to a US Liberator crew who crash landed on the pebble ridge that extends from Porlock Weir east to Hurlstone Point. Apparently, the plane hit part of Hurlstone point in very poor conditions in 1942 and tried to get back to the marshes but must have been very unlucky. I first came across the memorial in July 1967 and it was quite evocative. It has since been moved a short distance as the ridge was allowed to be breached, and in its new position, there is now a proper board with all the details.
The GPR holds 11 person records for the war memorial.
There have been 2796 requests for photographs for the war memorial.
The latest details for the war memorial were added on 03 February 2015
A surname list gives all the names for a particular surname and links to the war memorial where it is listed (show FAQ).
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