Gravestone Photographs Resource breadcrumb list for grave 786281Details of grave number 786281 at All Saints Milton Ernest for Annie Rowley

Annie Rowley grave monument in All Saints burial ground, Milton Ernest, Bedfordshire, England

Annie Rowley grave monument: legible names and details

full nameburial
Annie Rowley
John Rowley
husband of Annie Rowley

Breadcrumb trail images to help find Annie Rowley grave location

(10 thumbnails before and after the grave with GPR number 786281)

The following thumbnail images are the 10 taken before and 10 after the one for Annie Rowley was taken.

The grave monument thumbnail image for Annie Rowley below has a background colour of green to help identify it.

Hopefully some of these thumbnails will help you locate the Annie Rowley grave.

image: DSC01971
grave: 786271
George Hart
image number DSC01971
image: DSC01972
grave: 786272
James Hart
image number DSC01972
image: DSC01973
grave: 786273
image number DSC01973
image: DSC01974
grave: 786274
John Edward Brown
image number DSC01974
image: DSC01975
grave: 786275
James Skinner
image number DSC01975
image: DSC01976
grave: 786276
Maria Marsh
image number DSC01976
image: DSC01977
grave: 786277
Olive Annetta Woodson
image number DSC01977
image: DSC01978
grave: 786278
Edgar Savage
image number DSC01978
image: DSC01979
grave: 786279
Sheila Aoltie Tillson
image number DSC01979
image: DSC01980
grave: 786280
Louisa Smart
image number DSC01980
image: DSC01983
grave: 786281
Annie Rowley
image number DSC01983
image: DSC01984
grave: 786282
Bertie Stanley Marsh
image number DSC01984
image: DSC01985
grave: 786283
Clarence David Carter
image number DSC01985
image: DSC01986
grave: 786284
Colin John Mckie
image number DSC01986
image: DSC01987
grave: 786285
Alec William Ellis Scarlett
image number DSC01987
image: DSC01988
grave: 786286
Rex Ernest Welch Willson
image number DSC01988
image: DSC01989
grave: 786287
Thomas Edward Moore
image number DSC01989
image: DSC01990
grave: 786288
Barbara Grace Mallard-Mchugh
image number DSC01990
image: DSC01991
grave: 786289
John Alexander Salthouse
image number DSC01991
image: DSC01992
grave: 786290
Michael John Stewart
image number DSC01992
image: DSC01993
grave: 786291
Janet Venea Neville Robson
image number DSC01993

Change the number of thumbnails displayed before and after Annie Rowley grave

If you use this system to help find a grave, please let others know how well it went by using the GPR comments system.

This breadcrumb trail system was added to the GPR on 15th August 2016.