Gravestone Photographic Resource Project partner websites

Gravestone Photographic Resource

Project Partners

Gravestone Photograph Resource (GPR) now has a number of website partners. These partnerships are all about sharing information for mutual benefit.

Information about grave monuments held within a partners website is stored within the GPR online database. Whenever anyone looks at the details of a partner grave, the GPR displays all the name details plus a link to the partner website. This not only increases the web traffic to the partner website but because every partner grave has its own individual GPR web page it also increase the search engine ranking of the parnter website.

The big benefit of these partnerships is that volunteer effort is not being wasted by duplicating what has already been done. This is really important. The more partnerships that are formed, the greater the benefit for everyone. For instance, the tiny "Old Timers" website at (see below) now gets far more visitors because of its parntnership with the Resource. There must be many thousands of similar small site that could benefit from becoming partners with the Resource.

The following are examples of partner cemetery details held within the Resource:




If you are interested in becoming a partner with the Gravestone Photograph Resource or know someone who might be interested, please contact us.